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Healthy community partnerships are key to connecting our classrooms with careers. Our partners are helping us build bridges to success for our students and their families.

Adopt A Class

Adopt A Class connects businesses and civic groups, as mentors, with students in schools with high percentages of poverty. Each month, adopters visit our school to conduct monthly mentoring with educational activities, field trips, and pen palling that focus particularly on college & career, STEM, and life skills. Adopt A Class serves students Pre-K through 8th grade, exposing students to a breadth of experiences and careers, while sparking a culture of teamwork among the mentors. Learn more about our partnership.

Best Point

Best Point is our Mental Health Partner. They assist students who may need more intense counseling and support to get through their day. We have two full-time therapists along with a school family therapist. All are here to support children and families. If this is a service and you want further information, email or speak with Ms. Grothouse, our school psychologist.

Columbia Tusculum Community Council

The Columbia Tusculum Area Council does a great job of supporting Riverview East Academy. Half of the proceeds for their amazing, well-attended Streetfest are given to Riverview East. As a result, we are able to offer the students the Honor Roll Breakfast, incentives, shirts, arts field trips and other “perks” that enhance the student experience. The efforts of this great community council have enabled us to secure this funding.

East End Area Council

The East End Area Council is another great council who supports Riverview by donating part of the Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP) funds they receive from the City of Cincinnati. Additionally, members of the council offer tutoring services for our students, sponsor the yearly math award for the outstanding Mathematician and sponsor the Thanksgiving Dinner. All of these things are provided for us through the hard work of this area council.

GRAD Cincinnati

GRAD Cincinnati, a community-based nonprofit 501 (c)(3) organization created in 2001, improves the chances of success for urban youth. GRAD Cincinnati provides academic support to help students achieve in the classroom, grow as individuals and citizens of the community, graduate from high school and enter and complete a college education. It is specifically targeted to support over 3,650 students and nearly 170 teachers and principals within Cincinnati Public Schools. For more information, please visit their website:

Additional Partners:

  • Activities Beyond the Classroom
  • YWCA
  • Women Helping Women 
  • Bearcat Buddies