Get Involved
Family Involvement
Family Involvement is a contributing factor to improving student achievement. A quality family program is designed with student achievement as the foundation. Reaching all families, including those not yet involved in the school, is critical. Families are strongly encouraged to serve on our planning team and/or LSDMC. Families must be involved in education aimed at guiding children toward positive behavior. Families must be involved in the planning and implementation of services of students with disabilities as well.
At Riverview East Academy, we will continue our efforts to develop partnerships with families and the community simultaneously. Through the leadership of our Parent/Community Coordinator, we have developed a formal plan to further this initiative. The school is frequently represented at community meetings and activities by staff and students. Community members feel welcomed and often participate in school functions. Through the services of our social, emotional and mental health coordinators, all agency interactions with students are scheduled and noted in the student’s file.
Individual parent conferences are held frequently. Staff members become involved when any situation arises that would affect the student in the classroom setting. Riverview's school newsletter and parent meeting programming often communicate parenting tips for dealing with child(ren) and assisting with student success.
Riverview East Academy has the beginnings of a Parent Teacher Organization. They support parents in many ways:
- The first way is they sponsor the annual Family Thanksgiving Dinner. This usually happens the Monday or Tuesday before Thanksgiving.
- Another support to families is the Food Pantry. The Food Pantry is run by the PTA and is sponsored by the Columbia Tusculum Streetfest Fund. Every Friday, this pantry is open for parents who need support. The pantry also supports families who are in need of assistance when there is major flooding.
- The last and final initiative of the PTA is our Santa Shop. Students are able to "buy" items that they themselves can have wrapped and under the tree for their family.
These activities help support our families.
Resource Coordinator
The Resource Coordinator at our school is Ms. Cristan Hodge. She can be reached at (513) 363-3414. She is responsible for assisting our families with uniforms and also with additional school supplies and help.
She also helps families with our annual Giving Tree sponsored by Great American Insurance.
Other help with families include our annual winter coat drive and other needs for our families. Please reach out to Ms. Hodge for further support that you or your family may need.